The secondary controls are accessible from a sub menu located on the left and the audio menu located on the top right. These are controls that you will probably use to setup a shot and you may change them during filming. Any primary or secondary controls can be changed while you are recording.
Viewfinder flyout menu
The viewfinder flyout menu is used to change the visualisation overlay being displayed in the viewfinder. Select between Focus Peak, False Colour, Zebras, Expanded Focus, Guides and Bars. You can also toggle a help overlay which will give you helpful hints about the various controls within Pro Camera Classic. The icon on the left displays the current visualisation being shown.
More information about the viewfinder can in the viewfinder visualisations guide.
Exposure/shutter speed flyout menu
The exposure/shutter speed flyout menu is used to change the exposure mode to either Manual, Target or Auto. If Manual is selected the shutter speed control is enabled. Sliding the control left increases the shutter speed and sliding the control right decreases the shutter speed.
The readout on the left displays the current ISO value, shutter speed value and exposure mode. Changing the shutter speed increases/decreases the amount of time the shutter is open and therefore the amount of light entering the camera. It should be used in conjunction with the exposure control to ensure the correct amount of light is being exposed onto the camera sensor.
Colour flyout menu
The colour flyout menu is used to change the colour preset. Select between Set 1, Set 2, Set 3 or Auto. You can also edit a preset by tapping Edit. The readout of the left displays the current kelvin value and colour preset/mode. The kelvin value is the unit of measure for colour temperature. Generally, colour temperatures over 5,500K are considered cool colours (blueish-white), while lower colour temperatures, 2,700–3,200K, are considered warm colours (yellowish-white). Each set is a manual colour control and, when selected, means the colour temperature of the camera won't change unless it is edited manual in the edit colour menu.
Edit colour menu
The edit colour menu is used to modify the colour settings for each preset. To modify a preset first select it from the segment control at the top. Then slide the colour temperature and tint controls left and right until you achieve the desired temperature/kelvin value. The auto set white balance control can be used to automatically set the colour temperature and save it to a Set. To accurately set the white balance with this control first aim the camera at a grey or white card, filling the entire frame with either light grey or white.
FN Button
The custom function button can be programmed to perform a single action from a wide range of options. This provides the means to customise the Pro Camera Classic interface so you can have the control you want, directly on the main interface.
Recording Info and Timecode
The recording info readout displays the image resolution, frame per second (FPS) and bit rate that is currently being used for filming. These can be set in Recording Format op the settings menu
Audio flyout menu
The audio flyout menu is used to change the audio gain mode to either Manual or Auto and to access the main audio settings menu. If Manual is selected the manual audio gain control is enabled. Sliding the control left decreases the gain and sliding the control right increases the gain.
The option for Manual gain is determined by the input selected. For example if you select an internal iPhone mic on an iPhone 6s or above only Auto gain will show. This is due to a hardware restriction within the device. In some cases External gain will be shown. This is due to an external input not providing the necessary integration for Pro Camera Classic to hook into. For example, the iRig Pro has a physical knob on the hardware for gain control, which Pro Camera Classic is unable to change.
The icon displayed shows the current input selected, whether audio passthrough is enabled and (if manual gain is selected) the current gain level.